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June 27th to 30th, 2024
LLEIDA, Catalonia (Spain)
Open to pianists of all nationalities born in the year 2007 and later


The competition is open to pianists of all nationalities born in the year 2007 and later. Relatives of jurors and pianists mentored by either of the jurors during the last two years are excluded. First prize winners of the previous edition are not allowed to participate within the same category.


The competition is divided in three age categories:

  • I Category (born in or after 2013)
  • II Category (born in 2010, 2011 or 2012)
  • III Category (born in 2007, 2008 or 2009)


I Category (maximum 12 minutes)

  1. One piece from the baroque period
  2. One etude of the contestant’s choice
  3. One or more pieces of the contestant’s choice

II Category (minimum 15 minutes – maximum 20 minutes)

  1. One piece from the baroque period
  2. One etude of the contestant’s choice
  3. One or more pieces of the contestant’s choice

III Category (minimum 25 minutes – maximum 30 minutes)

  1. One piece from the baroque period
  2. One etude of the contestant’s choice
  3. First movement Allegro of sonata from the classical period
  4. One or more pieces of the contestant’s choice

The entire programme has to be performed by heart.

Repetitions can be performed at the competitor’s discretion, provided that the total duration of the performance does not exceed the time limit.

The jury reserves the right to cut short or interrupt any of the performances if the participant exceeds the maximum allotted time.

Repertoire changes can be made until June 1st, 2024.


​Stanislav Pochekin

Vladislav Bronevetzky

Marta Zabaleta

Uta Weyand

Puri Terrado

Jordi Benseny

Enric Prió

Marta Castelló


I Category

  • 1st Prize 500 €
  • 2nd Prize 300 €
  • 3rd Prize 200 €

II Category

  • 1st Prize 1,000 €
  • 2nd Prize 500 €
  • 3rd Prize 300 €

III Category

  • 1st Prize 2,000 € and a concert in the Enric Granados Auditorium, Lleida
  • 2nd Prize 1,000 €
  • 3rd Prize 500 €

All participants will receive diplomas of participation.

Awarding distinctions may be given to outstanding performances.

The decisions of the jury are final, no appeal can be made.

In order to receive the corresponding amount, the winners are obliged to participate in a performance at the award ceremony. The programme of the concert will be set by the jury.


The application deadline is April 25th, 2024.


The registration will be made through the form corresponding to the age of the contestant. Payment is not required to apply. It must be made once the organization has notified the candidate of his admission.

In addition to the personal data and the repertoire, the following are also required throughout the registration process:

  • Authorisation by the parent or legal guardian of the competitor
  • Identity card or passport of the candidate
  • Curriculum vitaespecifying studies, concerts performed, awards and diplomas and any other aspect that the candidate sees fit
  • A current photo in high resolution, suitable to be reproduced


  • Once the application with all the other documents has been submitted, the candidate will receive an automatic response and the organisation will send an acknowledgement by e-mail within seven working days.
  • After the deadline (April 25th), the organization will have until May 25thto send an email to all applicants informing them of their admission or non-admission to the competition. In the event that this information is not received, the applicant should contact the organizer.
  • The accepted candidates will have a week, from the time the organization informs them of their admission, to pay the registration fee of 50.00 € (fifty euros) (costs charged to the issuer). This amount is non-refundable.


The number of participants is limited for calendar reasons. After the deadline for submission of applications, and in the case that more entries are received than the competition can accommodate, the competition board, which is composed by pianists belonging to the jury, will choose the maximum number of candidates. The selection will be based on the various musical and pianistic aspects in the curriculum.


The organisation will contact the competitors who are accepted and will provide them with practical information about their travel to Lleida, and also with a list with several possibilities of accommodation in the town. The competition has agreements with several hotels to the benefit of the participants.

All competitors must be accompanied and supervised by an adult. Supervisors will be always fully responsible for competitors.


The organisation will provide competitors with practice rooms with pianos in the music conservatory during the days of the competition. Each candidate will have a short acoustic rehearsal in the competition hall according to the advertised schedule.


All selected candidates will be required to attend the reception of competitors, which will take place in Concert Hall 2 in the Auditorium, according to the following schedule:

  • III Category: Thursday, June 27th at 6 pm
  • II and I Categories: Friday, June 28th at 8 pm

During the presentation of the contestants, the organization will offer all information about these days in Lleida. We will also give the exact schedule to try the piano and the performance of each participant.


Thursday, June 27th

  • At 6 pm
    Presentation of contestants from III Category
  • At 8 pm
    Opening concert (free admission)

Friday, June 28th

  • Performances of contestants from III Category
  • At 8 pm
    Presentation of contestants from II and I Categories

Saturday, June 29th and Sunday, June 30th

  • Performances of contestants from II and I Categories
  • Announcement of the winners and award ceremony. After the ceremony, the time of which will be announced in May, the award winners will give performances.

Performances in all categories will be in alphabetical order determined by the first letter of each candidate’s family name. The starting letter will be determined by the organization. The exact schedule of the performance for each competitor will be given after the presentation of the competitors in their category.


The Town Council of Lleida reserves the right to record, broadcast and reproduce all performances from the competition.


Please contact us by email:



The non-fulfilment of any of these rules or the refusal to accept the jury’s decisions may lead to exclusion from the contest, with no right to appeal. By submitting the application for the competition, the competitor accepts the stated rules.