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28th June to 3rd July 2021
LLEIDA, Catalonia (Spain)
Open to pianists of all nationalities aged 18 to 32


The competition is open to pianists of all nationalities, aged 18 to 32 years on the date of the contest. 1st Prize’s winners in previous editions and relatives of jurors or pianists who have been students of the jurors during the last two years will be excluded.



Candidates will be subjected to an audiovisual recording pre-selection and three rounds during the competition. The structure and repertoire of each of the rounds are:

1. Audiovisual recording

  • Duration time: minimum of 15 minutes – maximum of 20 minutes.
  • Repertoire: a sonata by D. Scarlatti or A. Soler, a study of virtuosity, first movement (Allegro) of a sonata by Haydn or Mozart, one or more pieces of own choice.

2. First round

  • Duration time: minimum of 25 minutes – maximum of 30 minutes.
  • Repertoire: a prelude and fugue by J.S. Bach, two studies of virtuosity, one or more pieces of own choice.

3. Semi-final round

  • Duration time: minimum of 50 minutes – maximum of 60 minutes.
  • Repertoire: a complete sonata by Beethoven, one work by Ricard Viñes repertoire (see annex ) and optionally one or more pieces of the participant’s choice.

4. Final round

One of the following concertos, to be chosen by the contestant:

  • L.V. BEETHOVEN: Concerto No. 4 in G major, Op. 58
  • L. V. BEETHOVEN: Concerto no. 5 in E flat major, Op. 73
  • F. CHOPIN: Concerto No. 1 in E minor, Op. 11
  • F. CHOPIN: Concerto No. 2 in F minor, Op. 21
  • E. GRIEG: Concerto in A minor, Op. 16
  • F. LISZT: Concerto No. 1 in E flat major, S. 124
  • W. A. MOZART: Concerto No. 20 in D minor, KV 466
  • W. A. MOZART: Concerto No. 23 in A major, KV 488
  • S. RACHMANINOFF: Concerto No. 2 in C minor, Op. 18
  • M. RAVEL: Concerto in G major
  • R. SCHUMANN: Concerto in A minor, Op. 54
  • P. I. TCHAIKOVSKY: Concerto No. 1 in B flat minor, Op. 23


They will be accompanied by the Orquestra Simfònica del Vallès OSV http://www.osvalles.com/en

The entire programme has to be performed from memory.

Repetitions can be performed at the competitor’s discretion, as long as the total duration of the programme does not exceed the time limit.

The jury reserves the right to interrupt any of the performances if the contestant exceeds the maximum allotted time.

Participants can repeat one piece or more pieces of the audiovisual recording in the first round or in the semi-final round, but they are not allowed to present one piece of the first round in the semi-final round.

In the case of sonatas, preludes and fugues, partitas, etc., parts of works will not be accepted in any of the tests. The only exception is the first movement (Allegro) of a sonata by Haydn or Mozart that is requested in the audiovisual recording.



Elisso Virsaladze
Vladislav Bronevetzky
Stanislav Pochekin
Erik Tawastsjerna
Riccardo Risaliti
Puri Terrado
Jordi Benseny



  • 1st Prize 12,000 € and concerts with orchestra
  • 2nd Prize 6,000 € and a piano concert at the Auditorium of Lleida
  • 3rd Prize 3,000 € and a piano concert at the Auditorium of Lleida
  • Special Prize for the best Spanish participant: piano concert at the Auditorium of Lleida

All semi-finalists will be awarded the sum of € 250.

The amounts of the prizes are subject to the legal taxes.



The registration has to be made with the application that you will find in this link.

Besides the personal data and the repertoire, the application of the inscription will also ask for the following documents:

  • Passport or identity card of the candidate
  • Curriculum vitae specifying studies, concerts offered, awards and diplomas and other aspects that the candidate finds convenient
  • One current photo suitable for reproduction or to be published
  • Audiovisual recording (see information below)

Applicants authorize the organisation of the competition to carry out all actions to check and verify the information they have submitted.



The audiovisual recording must be from the years 2020 or 2021.
Each work performed and featured in this audiovisual recording must be recorded in one single take, with no breaks or editing.

The registration application will request the link of the recording.



The application deadline is March 22nd, 2021.



Once the application with the audiovisual recording and all the other documents has been submitted, the candidate will receive an automatic response and the organization will confirm their receipt by email within seven working days.

After the deadline, the organisation will, by April 30th, send an email to all applicants informing them of their admission or non-admission to the competition. In case of no response or if this email is not received, the applicant should contact the organisation.

The accepted candidates will have one week, from the time the organisation informs them of their admission, to pay the registration fee of € 100, 00 (one hundred Euros), where the issuer will bear the expenses. This amount is non-refundable.



The maximum number or participants is 30.



The selection of participants will be made from the audio-visual recording



The organisation will provide competitors who are accepted with practical information about their travel to Lleida, and also with a list with several possibilities of accommodation in the town. The competition has advantageous arrangements with several hotels in the town.

Free accommodation for some participants is also possible in one of our host families.



All selected candidates will be required to attend the reception of competitors, which will take place on Sunday, June 27th at 7 pm in Hall 2 of the Auditorium (Lleida).



The organisation will provide competitors with practice rooms and pianos in the music conservatory for the duration of the competition.
Each contestant will have a short trial time to rehearse in the competition hall according to the published schedule.



Tuesday, June 29th
Presentation of semi-finalists in the Auditorium

Wednesday, June 30th and Thursday. July 1st
Semi-final round

Friday, July 2nd
Rehearsals with orchestra
Interviews of interested participants with jurors

Saturday, July 3rd
Final round and awards ceremony

Performances will be in alphabetical order determined by the first letter of each candidate’s family name. The starting letter for the 24th Ricard Viñes International Piano Competition will be determined by the organisation. The precise schedule for each competitor will be announced following the presentation of the competitors.



The City Council of Lleida reserves the right to record, broadcast and produce all the competition’s performances.



Failing to comply with any of these rules, or refusal to accept the jury’s decisions may lead to exclusion from the contest, with no right of appeal.

By applying to the competition, the competitor accepts the stated rules.